>Weekend edition – a House and Garden Post – the new sewing corner!!

September 25, 2010 § 14 Comments

>The weekend’s back, which means I’m veering from the daily sewing musings to talk about my house. I had intended to post Part II of how to build a windowseat out of Ikea things to keep your basset hound from sitting on the kitchen table this weekend, but I’m so excited about my new sewing spot that I just can’t wait! Perhaps we’ll get back to the windowseat tomorrow!

So, without further ado, here it is! My very own spot for sewing!!

[a partial room of one’s own]

This sewing space has been coming for a while, now. We are lucky enough to have our own home, but it’s relatively small – 2 bedrooms, an unfinished basement, less than 900 SF. Typical south Minneapolis ranch house with tuck under garage. Mr. Bug and I both like things to be neat, tidy, hidden away. A trip to Ikea for organizational accessories and Swedish meatballs is a pretty hot date for us! So, not surprisingly, my sewing hobby has caused a little contention over the last few months. I’m always in the middle of a project and even though I like things tidy, I care a little less when it’s my mess. That I’m using.

Here’s how I worked before. First, I co-opted a corner of the counter in the kitchen (OK, half the counterspace in the kitchen) with my workbasket, piles of materials and pattern pieces, which I like to keep out for reference when I’m working on something (I hate marking cut material and always have to refer back to the patterns.) Sewing machine on table, with even more sewing stuff all over the place. Like this…

[sewing hurricane]

Lately, it seems like the only time I ‘clear’ the kitchen table (put the sewing machine on one of the chairs) is to cut fabric!

I’ve been setting up the ironing board in the living room. I do a lot of my pattern alterations in the living room on the ironing board. I inevitably end up piling things on the loveseat while I’m working. It’s not quite as bad as the mess in the kitchen – but it’s hard to sweep! (A daily basset-hound-induced occurrence…)

[living room sewing annex]

We’ve talked about what to do about the sewing mess over the last few weeks. One idea was to set up in the basement. But it’s cold down there, and more importantly, as much as I wanted a dedicated (out of sight) place, we like hanging out with each other in the evening, and I hated the the idea of being down in the basement (the COLD basement) in the evenings, out of earshot from Mr. Bug! I briefly campaigned for a complete switchover of our guest bedroom to a sewing room (I believe a futon idea was dangled…), but we like to have space for our guests! We ultimately decided to see if we could find something that wasn’t super sewing-room looking to replace a not-very-well utilized sideboard in the guestroom that was just a landing place for unused stuff and game storage. Here’s how it looked before…

[paper products were recent additions from a Target-shopping trip!]

We decided to get the Liatorp desk from Ikea. It was a little on the pricey side, but we thought it looked like our style, it was nice and big, with a sewing machine hidey-hole and when we finish my dream-remodel of our basement and I have a REAL sewing space in our new family room, this desk will be useful for something other than sewing!

Here are the details – on the left side***, there’s a nice sewing machine den. On the top shelf I have a basket for my current project stuff…

**Also pictured, a little birdhouse left over from wedding stuff. Clothespin hot-glued on the back. Good for holding notes, pattern pieces, etc.
*NOT pictured – our cordless hand vacuum is mounted to the wall right next to the desk! Cordless hand vacs are an AWESOME sewing accessory!

[A perfect fit for the sewing machine! And a place to hide current projects out of sight]

One of my favorite parts of the new sewing corner is that I was able to put the cute little white cabinet (a Christmas gift from Mr. Bug) to great use! I mounted on the wall, and used my coffee can collection**, a glass jar I already had and two snappy-top glass jars to store notions close to my workspace, but off the surface of the desk. Top row, left to right, I have zippers, loose buttons and elastic and horsehair braid. Bottom row, left to right, I have trim, bias tape and hem lace (still in the packages) and buttons on cards. I tried to use glass jars for the cute things, both for the cute factor, as well as to make it easy to see what I have. If I don’t see it, I don’t use it.

**The coffee can with the ribbon was a wedding-leftover. I’m not that cute that I wrapped the coffee can specially for the photo shoot.

[my coffee can collection. I’m very proud]

On the desktop, I have all of my pattern-draft sharpies, rotary cutter, scissors, ruler, tracing wheel and pinking shears out and easy to grab! I found the awesome blue jars at an antique shop (love the color!) and put thread for current projects in one and kept the little one for a table top garbage can (snipping threads) – I usually use a coffee mug! The little white birdhouse is leftover from my wedding – there’s a clothespin glued to the back and I have it there to clip the power cord and foot pedal cord so they don’t slide down to the floor when I disconnect from the machine. I’m not sure if it’s visible, but Ike also had clear plastic desk mats for a few dollars, so I have that to go under the machine. And the little red sewing machine was my mom’s – she played with it when she was a little girl. It works! And I love that it’s red, but it may go back to live in my nook (more on that below), because I have a feeling it’s going to bug me and be in the way!

[mom’s toy sewing machine!]

The top middle drawer isn’t the most useful, but it’s a good spot to stash my current pattern, some tape and notepaper. And my label maker!

[I my label-maker]

On the right side, I found some wonderful magazine baskets at Michael’s for a super deal – they fit well and make everything more accessible! I have interfacing, my tailor’s ham, patterns and a few other things in the baskets. I’m sure they’ll fill right up. The little white box is my handsewing box – my pincushion, all my silk thread, thimble, small scissors and thread ripper live in that box. The coffee can is sewing machine supplies – oil and needles.

[more storage!]
[A perfect basket! And black fur cuffs I got at an antique store, just waiting for the perfect project…]

We also got a little set of hooks to store current projects. Here’s the Lady Grey in all it’s washed out muslin, scratchy glory….

[So sad.]
Of course, since this isn’t a full-blown sewing room, I still have a lot of storage in other places. As I posted last week, I keep the fabric for current planned projects in the china cabinet in our bedroom. I refinished
the china cabinet last year. It belonged to my grandmother, and I think she’d like the use I’m putting it to!
[current, upstairs stash]

I also have what we call the ‘nook’ in the basement. I basically built a clubhouse, taking a little 4 foot wide space, painting it and making a big curtain to add to the secret-garden feeling. All girls who see it love it. All boys get the hives. In the corner, I have a couple of Ikea Billy bookshelves with piles of fabric (nice and cleaned out due to our garage sale last weekend!) The white boxes hold things like shoulder pads, more interfacing, scrapbook materials (a very small stash) and jewelry making things.

[Christmas lights. Makes anything classier]
[The other end of the nook. Completely gratuitous photos. Not related to current post or sewing at all. Hound rump!]

In closing…

[sewing room disguised as guest room]

§ 14 Responses to >Weekend edition – a House and Garden Post – the new sewing corner!!

  • Laurwyn says:

    >Your new space looks like such a neat and peaceful area! Ikea is one of the best for that. And, sometimes, we just go there to buy two mugs and Swedish coffee and to enjoy our meatballs 🙂 I actually get most of my muslin fabrics there, during the sales…I cannot wait to move to a house, because our apartment is not the biggest ever, and my sewing things are all over the place!

  • Jane M says:

    >You have made the best use of 900 square feet that I have ever seen. Wow, charm, utility, and togetherness. Fantastic job. I hope you enjoy it with a sense of accomplishment.

  • K.Line says:

    >Gorgeous and crafty use of space! Very weirdly, I posted about my sewing room today too.

  • Heather says:

    >It's so pretty and neat! Love it, and like LAP, am jealous. 🙂

  • >Hey guys! Yay! Thanks! We really like the new sewing space (well, I like the space, Dan likes the kitchen being back to normal!). I am a NUT for organization, and we find it fun to figure out the best ways to maximize our space. I love, love, love having a house – but it IS a small one! K.Line – your post was awesome! I love the table you have – the size is perfect! And very cool to support local business. We try to balance – retail offsetting! On each project, we really try to have at least 1/2 our expenses go to locally owned business. It's hard to stay away from Ikea, Home Depot, Target…. and Ohhhhh!! The same with fabric shops! I'm lucky, we have a brand new awesome heather bailey-amy butler selling sewing studio a half a block away, with another small sewing shop a few miles away. I love to shop there, but the fabric is always at that $9.00 price point, and Joann's has the never-ending supply of 50% off coupons… we talk a lot about voting with our money, I wish I had more votes!

  • Joy says:

    >Such a cute, yet bright and cheery nook! And your hardwood floors make me nostalgic for the beautiful woodwork in our former St. Paul home.

  • tanitisis says:

    >Hmm. I just lost all desire to post anything, at all, ever, about my 'sewing space'. Yours is absolutely awesome, especially the hutch for the stash.Good thing you're married, my husband would totally leave me for you. I'm a chronic mess and it drives him NUTS. 😉

  • >ha ha – i drive my husband nuts, too. I don't know how many times I've asked him if he'd prefer living with a girl, or living in a pefectly uncluttered house. He usually picks me!I'd give ANYTHING for him to have a stuff-related hobby! He runs and follows drum corp. No related clutter. It's so unfair.

  • Kate says:

    >So lovely! And I loved your comment "A trip to Ikea for organizational accessories and Swedish meatballs is a pretty hot date for us!". I laughed out loud.I also felt redeemed seeing your sewing take over so much of your 900 square foot place in the before shots. I too end up with cutting materials on the kitchen table, an ironing board and fabric in the living room, sewing table setup on a desk in our shared den, and materials strewn all over the house. My poor husband suffers so at the hand of my sewing hobby. I dream of the day we move from our 900 square foot apartment into a home with room for a sewing space. Then again, I also love that I can spend hours sewing and still be in the same spaces as him. Your transformation is admirable. Just lovely!

  • Kate says:

    >Oh, and I forgot to mention, a sewing room staple that I find useful is a large push-pin cork board. It can be painted or covered in fabric and placed in an attractive frame. Then just hang it near your sewing space. It will serve as wall art when not in heavy use, but during sewing it becomes SO useful to tack up instructions, pattern envelopes, pieces of the pattern not in use (that you do not want to refold or drape on the bed), fabric swatches and inspirational images. And you can pull it down and use it to adjust patterns on when needed.

  • >Kate! I would LOVE to have a cork board, but part of the deal with Dan is less visual clutter! I was thinking of lining the inside of my doors with that thin stick-on cork – the doors are actually inset, so there's already a little white frame! And at least I'd have someplace to pin things up!But what an awesome idea to pull it down for pattern adjusting! Your comment sounds like one of those 'good tip' comments at the beginning of Threads!!And I really, REALLY would like to finish our basement (we need another bathroom anyway!) I'd love a nice, bright (but cozy) family room where he can hang out and computer/watch TV, and i can sew in the same room! I would never do that in our living room, but I saw a Divine Design (oh, candace olson, how I love you!) where she made a room with a sewing corner. Sigh. Someday. This year we paid for a wedding and last year we redid our kitchen. But it's almost Halloween, then Christmas…. then it's next year!

  • >oooh i am jealous both of your sewing space and your house that you are getting to change up to suit you… great use of storage, really love it 🙂

  • ejvc says:

    >Hey, I'm redoing my sewing space too, and all I can say is that you have a lot less stuff than me. I'm about to put all my mats, rulers, and tracing things in a big portfolio. I find a thread rack awesomely useful – you could mount it on the inside of your doors.The overall look is really lovely.

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