>Weekly roundup and interweb treats.

May 14, 2011 § 6 Comments


[EDIT…. before I post!! I put this together yesterday while blogger was still down and Mr. Bug and I were getting ready for a road trip. Blogger’s back and we’ve made it as far as Madison, Wisconsin… I got a lot of knitting done in the car, but my skills were rusty (you shoulda seen my M1’s…) and my count was off, so I ripped and restarted! Hopefully the weak wi-fi in our hotel will let me get this published!! Peace out, pygmy goats!]

As I write this, blogger is down and the twitter-verse is having a collective meltdown! I had one too when I thought I’d lost my post earlier today. That reminds me – for those of you who blog using blogger/blogspot, do you use any sort of blog-writing platform that’s external to blogger? I use Windows Live Writer and I like it a lot. It’s less clunky than putting together posts on the blogger site and has some extra formatting features that aren’t available in the blogger editor. It’s a free download (and works with WordPress blogs as well.) Is there anything else out there that’s similar?

Onto the weekly duds…

[Top Row: Saturday, Sunday,  Monday | Bottom row: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday]

I pretty much LOVED everything I wore over the last week, except I think the pony pants are going to go into the donate bag. They’re SO high waisted and stretch while I’m wearing them so that they’re pretty uncomfortable a few hours in. Oh well.

On to my top three pics from the googles this week….

Fitting the bodice – Threads


This article on Threads was unusually comprehensive. It gave me a bee in my bonnet to work on an actual bodice sloper. I need a snug bug clone so I can both wear and fit the sloper at the same time…

Fringey Feet!


I found this tutorial from Leeyong Soo, author of blog The Style Wilderness strangely fascinating. I’m not a huge fan of fringe, or of booties, but together I totally love them!

blog-love: Helga Von Trollop


Most of the blogs in my Google Reader are sewing related, but I follow a few more fashion-oriented blogs as well. One of my favorites is Helga Von Trollop. Totally digging her style and planning on copying some of her looks. Exactly. Stalker style. That is all.

And with that, I’m off for the weekend! Mr. Bug and I are leaving in a few hours for a road-trip to Rockford, Illinois, with a stay-on-the-way in Madison, Wisconsin, and a stay-on-the-way-back in Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. Bug is running a marathon in Rockford and I am planning on reading, listening to audiobooks and knitting! Yay roadtrip! We’re getting back on Monday, so posts may be light ‘till early next week.

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