Studio and Staff


Nikol Gianopoulos (owner/instructor) is a self taught sewer who made her first hand sewn gift when she was nine years old.  Since then Nikol has made a variety of items including clothing for herself and her kids, home furnishing and more quilts then she can remember.  


Nikol has lived in a variety of places including Las Vegas, Washington D.C., Montana, Idaho, California, Texas and Turkey (as in the Country).  Nikol served 8 years in the U.S. Air Force and is a veteran of Desert Storm.  Nikol moved to the Twin Cities with her two sons in 2000 and plans to stay put for awhile. 


Sewtropolis is the result of a longtime dream of Nikol’s; to share the gift of sewing.    


Emily Schroeder Orvik (instructor) comes from a long family tradition of sewing and other handicrafts (knitting, crocheting, embroidery, etc.) One of her first sewing projects was a muslin “peasant top” complete with cross stitch embroidery. Growing up in the country outside of Milwaukee, Emily was a 4-H kid and made many sewing projects for the Washington County, Wisconsin fair and participated in the Annual Dress Review at the fair as well.

Sewing took a backseat while Emily attended college.  When her daughter was born in 2004, Emily discovered a new, fun excuse to sew. And the addition of both the baby and a serger, has resulted in some pretty creative wardrobe options for mother and daughter.

When you stop by Sewtropolis ask Emily how she and Nikol connected – and learn about the wonderful power and fun that networking can have.

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